


For a few years I had my family on a gluten free diet because I was trying to heal an issue with one of my kids. It was just easier to put us all on it rather than cook different meals for different people. It helped a little, I will say that, but I’ve since discovered that gluten wasn’t actually the problem.

If you know me, you know that I am a big fan of traditional foods and how our ancestors prepared food, and as I began to dig deeper into the gluten debate I found that it was more likely the manipulation of the wheat grain and how it was being prepared that was causing the problem.

I believe now that, unless you have a serious medical condition that requires you to eliminate gluten from your diet, like celiac disease, or you have specific healing to do to restore the gut (especially the fingerlike protrusions lining the small intestine called villi), gluten and grains can be included in most people’s diet and offer vital nutrients.

I know there are other conditions like irritable bowl syndrome and allergies or sensitivities to wheat and gluten, but from my experience, these things go away once the real problem is addressed. One of the main things we need to look out for is where our grains are coming from, how are they farmed and harvested, are they sprayed with glyphosate and other pesticides, are they GMO, also how are they being stored… And then, we need to know how to prepare them properly with soaking, fermenting and sprouting.


Are you tired of hearing about the so-called evils of gluten? Let’s take a different perspective today. It’s time to explore the fascinating topic of how traditional societies prepared grains without any major health concerns!


Weston A. Price, a renowned researcher, extensively studied indigenous cultures worldwide and found that grains, when prepared in certain ways, offered valuable nutrients and posed no harm to human health. Let’s dive into some of his fascinating findings, which can be found on westonaprice.org!


By adopting traditional grain preparation techniques, we can unleash their true potential and potentially enjoy the benefits our ancestors cherished.


Traditional societies understood the importance of soaking grains before consumption. This practice helps break down phytic acid, a natural compound found in grains that can interfere with mineral absorption. By soaking grains in water or a natural acidic medium, enzymes are activated, mitigating potential digestive issues and boosting nutrient availability.


Fermentation is an age-old technique used to enhance the digestibility and nutrient profile of grains. Traditional cultures commonly fermented grains for extended periods, triggering a biological process where natural bacteria feed on carbohydrates, making the grains easier to digest.


Sprouted grains are incredibly nutritious as they undergo natural enzymatic changes. The sprouting process not only breaks down phytic acid but also increases the content of certain vitamins and minerals. Sprouted grains offer enhanced enzyme activity, making them more digestible and gentle on our bodies.

Curious to explore more about traditional grain preparation and nutrition?

Check out westonaprice.org, where you’ll find wealth of knowledge and resources on this fascinating topic! Remember, understanding the true nature of grains can help us make informed choices and regain trust in their place within a balanced, wholesome diet.



Disclaimer: Always consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle. This post is for informational purposes only.

Strawberries are such a delightful fruit and homegrown, oh my goodness, there is nothing that beats that sweet, juicy taste. We love them in smoothies, as a topper for acai bowls, yoghurt and granola and even just on their own!

Remember to wash thoroughly if you are not buying organic or growing your own. Unfortunately, strawberries are one of the most heavily sprayed fruits in commercial growing.

See here for a list of the Dirty Dozen.

And here are some of the amazing health benefits of strawberries..


Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps protect your cells against free-radical damage and it helps form and maintain bones, skin, and blood vessels.


Manganese helps the body form connective tissue, bones, blood clotting factors, and sex hormones. It also plays a role in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, calcium absorption and blood sugar regulation. Manganese is also necessary for normal brain and nerve function.


Folate is an essential B vitamin that is necessary for the production of red and white blood cells in bone marrow, producing DNA and RNA and transforming carbohydrates into energy.


Potassium helps the body maintain normal levels of intracellular fluid and it also helps muscles to contract, supporting normal blood pressure.

Do you love strawberries?

Have you tried growing them at home?

Let me know if they are your favourite fruit!

Once upon a time we didn’t call food organic or non-organic, it was just food.

Can we all just go back to that please?

It bothers me that organic farmers have to prove their organic-ness and pay for organic accreditation just so we, the consumers, know their food is just as nature intended. Shouldn’t it be the other way round?

I’m not an agricultural expert by any means but I have grown my own and know all too well the effort it takes to produce a crop without the use of synthetic pesticides.

And that’s just for my little backyard garden!

So, why do we want to avoid these nasty chemicals in the first place?

Pesticides are toxic chemicals designed to kill agricultural pests and unfortunately when consumed by humans have been linked to cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease, ADHD and even birth defects.


The EWG’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™ (aka Dirty Dozen and Clean 15) is updated each year and ranks pesticide contamination on 47 popular fruits and vegetables.

While this isn’t Aussie specific, it does give you a very good indication of the types of fruits and vegetables that are the most hard hit.

We don’t want to avoid any fruits and vegetables, so if you can’t buy local and organic, opt for an all natural fruit and veggie wash like the Thieves Fruit and Veggie Soak as a great alternative.

We actually use it even on our organic bought produce and it’s surprising to see what’s left in the water and the difference it makes to the longevity of our fresh food.


Many local farmers grow their crops using all or mostly organic practices but aren’t big enough, or simply choose not to, pay for accreditation. It makes sense to get to know them and ask them how they do things so that you can happily buy their produce and feel good knowing you are not only supporting them but also giving your family high quality and nutrient dense local foods.

Do you know where your local organic market is?

Or are you growing your own!

Let me know in the comments.

Summer is officially over but it’s not too cool to still enjoy a freshly made strawberry and mint sorbet.

This recipe ticks all the boxes if you are needing something sweet and tasty but you want to make it at home quickly and easily without any silly chemicals or unhealthy ingredients.

There is the option to add a little refined caster sugar or rapadura if you want to but the strawberries, mint and apple are quite sweet on their own.

I needed to supplement my homegrown strawberries at the market with this recipe as I’m not producing as much right now. I also grabbed some beautiful organic apples to juice up.

My mint is growing great guns however, so I was super excited to add that in to the recipe.


  • 250 – 280g of strawberries (you can use frozen)
  • 3/4 cup ice cubes
  • 60 mL organic apple juice
  • 1/4 cup coarsely chopped fresh mint
  • 1 tsp caster or rapadura sugar (optional)


  1. Blend all ingredients together until your desired consistency.
  2. Add a little water or extra juice if you need it smoother.

Want to know the nutritional benefits of strawberries?

Check out this post here.

And if you’d like to know the latest Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 list for 2022, go here.

Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish, it’s a necessity! Don’t you agree?

As mummas we often put the needs of others before our selves and wait until we get a break before we do something, “just for us”. But what if we do the thing, when we need to?

Too often we wait until our body is screaming out for a rest or we literally flip out and yell at our kids because our emotional needs haven’t been met. It’s ok to need to stop. It’s ok to take 5, 10 or 20, whatever it is you need to do so you can keep on being the awesome mumma you are.


One of the simplest ways that you can nourish your body is with a hit of fresh whole foods. And my favourite way to do this is to whip up a superfood smoothie.


Goji berries (wolfberries) protect the eyes and provide immune system support. They protect against cancer and promote healthy skin. Goji berries contain a high amount of antioxidants which fight harmful free radicals and inflammation in the body.


Chia seeds are rich in Omega 3 fats and provide a good source of fiber. They contain quercetin which is a bit of a buzz word at the moment, but basically quercetin is also another antioxidant that helps reduce inflammation in the body and keeps your immune and cardiovascular system working well.


Berries in general keep your mind and eyes sharp and help to promote lovely skin. They protect against heart disease and are considered a low GI fruit. This makes them a great addition to your smoothies. Berries are also a great source of antioxidants which helps keep those nasty free radicals at bay.


Hemp seeds are a great source of protein and pack a punch in your smoothie. They assist with healthy weight management by stabilising blood sugar levels and are a good source of essential fatty acids.


1 cup frozen blueberries
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 tbl chia seeds
1 tbl hemp seeds
3 medjool dates (pitted)
1/4 cup organic goji berries
juice of 1 lime
3 drops of YL Lemon essential oil (optional)
2 drops YL Grapefruit essential oil (optional)
3 tsp organic coconut oil
1 cup filtered water
5-7 cubes ice


  1. Blend frozen fruit, seeds, dates, goji berries and ice.
  2. Add water, juice of lime, essential oils and coconut oil and continue to blend until smooth.
  3. Decorate the top with shredded coconut, chia seeds and blueberries!

Have you tasted Vegemite before? If you’re not from around these parts there’s a high chance that you haven’t and if you have, you most likely don’t like it!

I’m a born and bred Aussie so of course I have tried Vegemite and all of its commercial alternatives. I grew up to the catchy tune that echoed throughout every Australian home in the 80s. Those were fun times!

I’m not sure it gave me those rosy cheeks though??

Being an all natural mumma now, I’ve chosen not to feed this iconic spread to my children. Ingredients like yeast grown on barley and wheat, and other ingredients like Potassium Chloride (Mineral Salt 508) and Ammonia caramel (Colour 150C), are additives that are best avoided. Here’s why!..



High possibility this product is GMO and also contains gluten.


Prohibited in foods for infants. Can cause gastrointestinal and liver issues.


Also prohibited in food for infants and is known to cause allergic and hypersensitive reactions and hyperactivity.


This quite literally could be anything! The chemical composition of flavourings can be complex and because of this reason, Food Standards Australia New Zealand exempts companies from fully disclosing, and therefore not labelling, exactly what their “flavour” consists of. There could be 50 or more substances (or ingredients) that make up just one flavour. For a savvy mum making wise choices about the food they are feeding their kids, this presents a real problem. Best to avoid!


It is true that Vegemite is renowned as having added vitamins such as Niacin, Thiamine, Riboflavin and Folate, however unfortunately, these vitamins are synthetic! The body does not absorb and therefore utitilise them, in the same way as it would if they were naturally found in wholefoods.


Although we may have fond memories of our childhood and Vegemite playing a starring role, let’s not forget that it was a pantry item created from a waste product. Breweries at the time had a surplus of leftover yeast and so with the help of a chemist, Vegemite was born and marketed to the people as the latest and greatest thing. It was heavily promoted (hence the catchy tune) to appeal to busy mums and fussy kids.

It was never intended to be a health food product.


When something is super simple to make and it uses all natural ingredients, I want to know about it. A friend recently shared this recipe with me and it is so good, I had to share it with you!


  • 3 1/2 cups organic black sesame seeds
  • 2 tbl organic sesame oil
  • 1/8 tsp rock/sea salt
  • 150g organic Tamari (Soy Sauce)
  • 3 tbl Bragg Nutritional Yeast Seasoning
  • 3 tsp organic Apple Cider Vinegar


  • In a high speed blender, grind up the sesame seeds.
  • Add the sesame oil and salt and blitz again.
  • This makes your Black Tahini Paste. You will only need 210g for this recipe.
  • Store the rest in a glass jar in the fridge for up to one month.


  • Take 210g of your Black Tahini Paste and add it back to your high speed blender.
  • Add the tamari, nutritional yeast and apple cider vinegar and blend well.
  • Transfer to a glass jar and store in the fridge.


A delicious savoury, salty spread to put on sourdough and crackers..

You could even add a tablespoon to a hearty stew!

Are you a Vegemite lover?

Even if you’re not, you might like to still try this yummy recipe.

Let me know what you think!
