
Holistic Health


Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish, it’s a necessity! Don’t you agree?

As mummas we often put the needs of others before our selves and wait until we get a break before we do something, “just for us”. But what if we do the thing, when we need to?

Too often we wait until our body is screaming out for a rest or we literally flip out and yell at our kids because our emotional needs haven’t been met. It’s ok to need to stop. It’s ok to take 5, 10 or 20, whatever it is you need to do so you can keep on being the awesome mumma you are.


One of the simplest ways that you can nourish your body is with a hit of fresh whole foods. And my favourite way to do this is to whip up a superfood smoothie.


Goji berries (wolfberries) protect the eyes and provide immune system support. They protect against cancer and promote healthy skin. Goji berries contain a high amount of antioxidants which fight harmful free radicals and inflammation in the body.


Chia seeds are rich in Omega 3 fats and provide a good source of fiber. They contain quercetin which is a bit of a buzz word at the moment, but basically quercetin is also another antioxidant that helps reduce inflammation in the body and keeps your immune and cardiovascular system working well.


Berries in general keep your mind and eyes sharp and help to promote lovely skin. They protect against heart disease and are considered a low GI fruit. This makes them a great addition to your smoothies. Berries are also a great source of antioxidants which helps keep those nasty free radicals at bay.


Hemp seeds are a great source of protein and pack a punch in your smoothie. They assist with healthy weight management by stabilising blood sugar levels and are a good source of essential fatty acids.


1 cup frozen blueberries
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 tbl chia seeds
1 tbl hemp seeds
3 medjool dates (pitted)
1/4 cup organic goji berries
juice of 1 lime
3 drops of YL Lemon essential oil (optional)
2 drops YL Grapefruit essential oil (optional)
3 tsp organic coconut oil
1 cup filtered water
5-7 cubes ice


  1. Blend frozen fruit, seeds, dates, goji berries and ice.
  2. Add water, juice of lime, essential oils and coconut oil and continue to blend until smooth.
  3. Decorate the top with shredded coconut, chia seeds and blueberries!


– rich in Vitamin B complex, C, E and Magnesium.

FISH (especially salmon)

– rich in essential fatty acids.


– high in flavonols and contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.


– rich in choline and used by the brain to make acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter for memory and brain cell communication.


– rich in both Vitamin K and folate. They’re also high in protein and low in sugar. Avocadoes are said to prevent blood clot in the brain and stroke and they also improve memory and concentration!


– rich in Vitamin K and glucosinolates that slow down the breakdown of acetylcholine, which has been linked to Alzheimer’s.


– contain high levels of omega-3s and brain protecting Vitamin E.


– an excellent source of magnesium, copper, iron and zinc.

Which one on this list is your favourite?

Could you add each one to your weekly healthy eating plan?

Find out why these foods are so good for the brain and nervous system over on this post:

Essential Brain and Nervous System Nutrition


Don’t take your phone to bed. Switch it off and charge it in a different room of the house. Seriously consider removing all electronics from the bedroom, including the TV.


Volatile Organic Compounds can cause respiratory problems and skin irritation and have even been linked to cancer and other diseases. They are found in new paint, new carpet, new furnishings, cleaning products and mattresses. So do your best to eliminate or at the very least, reduce VOC exposure.


Many mattresses prior to 2004 were treated with flame retardants known as PBDEs. Research has linked PBDE exposure to thyroid hormone disruption, memory impairment and other adverse health effects. Is it time you upgraded your mattress?


Check your bed frame and how it’s put together. Some are made with chemical adhesives that can emit potentially toxic formaldehyde fumes. Formaldehyde is the #1 cancer causing chemical and is what embalmers use!


Check placement of your bed head and any mirrors in the room. The practice of Feng Shui is super interesting!


De-clutter! Tidy up bedside tables, remove excess furniture and random items. Keep surfaces dust-free.


Swap out toxic candles for an ultrasonic diffuser and some therapeutic oils. Fragrance is the number one killer in the home. It’s literally a combination of hundreds of toxic chemicals that have been known to cause disruption to the hormones, cancer and irritation to the respiratory system. Here’s what I recommend instead.


Open windows and curtains during the day to let fresh air in and natural sunlight. Sleep with windows open if weather permits.


Use plants to purify the air. Japanese royal ferns, spider plants and aloe vera are among the most useful plants for eliminating VOCs and other toxins.


Use natural fibers for bedding and switch to laundry products made from pure plant-based ingredients and essential oils. Ditch those that contain phosphates, synthetic dyes and fragrances. Here’s what I use.


Change your pillowcases every few days and wash pillows regularly. Change sheets weekly and dry in the sun if possible.


Leave your shoes at the front door to prevent bringing in any pesticides or other toxins in your home. Especially no shoes in the bedroom where you’re sleeping.

So there you have it! 12 Tips to Help you Detox Your Bedroom. Which one do you think you’ll try first?


Autumn is the season of harvest, letting go and tidying up of loose ends.

Use your ‘gratitude’ oils and diffuse them while you say these positive affirmations…




Ylang Ylang





Using essential oils to help you live in the moment is so lovely. I use them every single day. One blend I am loving is Gratitude™ by Young Living Essential Oils. It contains the soothing qualities of a number of beautiful oils and every time I breathe it in I am reminded of how grateful I am to have this beautiful life.

Have you started using essential oils yet?

What are your favourite oils to express gratitude?


Little babies need little more than warmth, comfort, love and milk. So when setting up space for the arrival of your little one, here are a few tips..


1. Keep them close! The closer your baby is to you, the less they will cry. It’s a very raw and biological instinct to keep your baby near you. If baby can smell you, hear your heartbeat and touch your skin, they will feel safe.


2. Less is more! Babies don’t need all the bells and whistles or the latest pram, cot, highchair or toys. Let’s be real.. grown ups want those things, babies don’t actually care. Our precious little ones just want you to engage with them and teach them how to smile and laugh.


3. Avoid electronics. Babies do not need the latest technology. They will actually be smarter and healthier without it! Babies are hardwired to learn about the people around them and their natural surroundings. Truly, that’s all they need! It’s very easy to fall into the trap of thinking that they need so much more, but it simply isn’t true. Save your money.


4. Remove all toxic cleaners and personal care products from your home. These are an insult to the senses, especially for baby, and they are also harmful to their growing bodies. This is a priority!! You are better off washing your baby in plain old water then buying that “organic” baby wash from the supermarket that promises to take care of your baby “naturally”. Most products, even those that are marketed for sensitive skins, are full of harmful ingredients that are toxic to your beautiful bundle of joy.


5. Use natural aromas to gently fragrance your home and to create a peaceful environment. This will benefit both you and baby. Just a word of wisdom.. go easy on the oils, especially in the early hours of birth, and only use the purest you can find. It is critical for bonding for both baby and mother to recognise each other’s smell. A blessing of Frankincense here and a drop of Lavender there will be beautiful, but heavy doses of any fragrance may disrupt this natural process.


6. Get your rest, ask for help and RELAX. Listen to your body and the needs of your baby. They don’t come with a manual but both mother and baby have been gifted with this thing called intuition. The two of you have been working harmoniously for the last 9 months, living and breathing together. Read all you can, connect with your support network but keep the focus on reading your baby and tuning in to the signs that he or she is giving you. And above all else.. don’t be in a hurry. I promise you those precious early days will fly by and someday you will cry at how little they once were.

What does it mean to have a positive mindset? We all know there is power in positive thinking and many physical and emotional benefits to be had, like an elevation in mood and increased confidence.. But how do we actually achieve a positive mindset, especially when we are already feeling so low?


1. Morning Affirmations – starting the day saying something positive about yourself and/or to yourself, like “I am alive and ready for the day!” can help shift your mindset from negative to positive. If you are finding it hard to come up with something nice to say, or you’re just not feeling it, grab your favourite devotional book and steal something inspiring from there!


2. Take Every Thought Captive – this can take some awareness and acuity but when you nail it, amazing things can happen. Often the thoughts that bring us down or make us feel bad about ourselves are nothing but LIES. Recognising those thoughts for what they are and declaring (out loud I might add) that you do not believe those words or thoughts, and acknowledge that you are choosing to, right now, only believe that you are pure and wholesome and set apart.. this will help shift your perspective and belief in yourself, which ultimately changes your mindset.


3. Move Your Body – exercise not only affects our physical health but also our mental, emotional and spiritual health. Whether it’s walking the dog (and let’s be real.. a dog and his smile can give you a positive mindset), climbing a mountain, or stretching in Yoga.. moving your body can remind you that you are alive and that life is for living.. Your body is the vehicle that allows you to travel around in this life, taking care of it makes you naturally feel better about yourself and you can’t help but have a positive mindset when you feel good about yourself. Not to mention all the happy hormones that are released when you work out!


4. Get Out In Nature – (I like to do 3 and 4 together.) Again, being out in nature, exploring the Earth and all its awesomeness is another way to appreciate the life you have. Can’t travel too far? A simple walk outside may be all it takes. When you see, and feel, the beauty that has been created to not only nourish you, but restore you, this can boost a positive mindset like nothing else.


5. Develop Yourself – It is said that we are the culmination of the 5 people we most spend our time with. I spend most of my days, if not every day, with my 3 youngest daughters… They teach me SO much: How to be joyful, how to manage stress, how to forgive, how to handle objections… SO MUCH! But I also read and watch everything I can to become a better person. I learn from those who have the kind of success I want for my family. Not just financial success, but HAPPINESS success. There’s no secret formula, but we can learn so much about positive mindset from following those who express it!


6. Enjoy Your Friends and Family – This is a no brainer. If you have friends and family that lift you up, just by being in their company, those are the ones you want to hold on to. Make time to connect and play and love life together. Go camping, turn off the TV, visit a Spa, eat out, drink, be merry.. whatever it is that you love to do together, do it and do it often!


7. Find Your Passion – Living a passionate life means finding something creative that brings you joy. For some it is music, art, sewing.. a hobby or a sport. One of my favourite things to do is travel and explore the world, and when I haven’t done it for a while I tend to lose my sparkle. One of the quickest ways I have found to pull myself out of a negative mindset funk, is to be of service to someone else. Which just happens to be at the top of my passion list!! Taking the focus off myself and helping someone in need is HUGE! Also expressing gratitude for everything I have experienced thus far and everything I already have in my life…mind blown! GRATITUDE is perhaps the most significant component of creating a positive mindset.

What’s your number one tip on creating a positive mindset?

You know I love to share how this juice is helping people right!? Well this story really hit home for me because I remember what it felt like to be in that space. Tired, no energy, feeling like you can’t keep up.. The difference is, back then, I didn’t have access to this incredible drink. I was 5 kids in before I was introduced to it!

I have a small child who is very active and I was really struggling to keep up with him. After one week I started waking up feeling like I had energy to get through the day and now we don’t seem to catch every little thing anymore. So happy I’ve found this product.

A Mumma With Low Energy

When Sam first reached out, she was desperate. Her energy levels were super low and life just didn’t feel good anymore. She was struggling to get things done during the day and the constant demands of her little one left her feeling exhausted. Her relationship with her husband suffered because all she could think about was how everything was piling up around her and that made her feel resentful towards her husband, even though she knew he was doing all he could to help.

Sam had seen me talking in our Better Health Group about this all natural juice and how much it gave me the energy to get through my day and thought “What have I got to lose!!” And I tell you what, she has never looked back!

Immediately she noticed something different. In fact, the very first day she messaged me in tears saying she felt like this was an answered prayer. I wholeheartedly believe that too.

The Result

7 days in and she was waking up without the usual brain fog and noticed that she didn’t need to reach for that afternoon sweet snack or cup of coffee like she used to. Her mood had improved, she was feeling more connected to her hubby and overall life was great.

Oh and let’s not forget!.. she’s now experienced firsthand how the immune boosting qualities of this incredible product have improved her family’s health. But that’s a WHOLE other story for a whole other day.

Sam says that she is super excited to continue on with her superfood juice and is even now looking into the benefits of our 21 Day Wellness program to lose weight, get fit and detox from all the gunk that is so prevalent in today’s modern world.

If you’re sitting there thinking, “OMG that is me too!”, then comment below, email me, FB stalk me.. whatever you have to do to get my attention. I promise you, THIS is what you have been waiting for.
