
Chemical Free


Spring is a season of renewal, blooming flowers, and fresh beginnings—but with it comes unpredictable weather, allergens, and the need for extra care when it comes to protecting your little one’s delicate skin and health. As mums embracing natural childcare, we know that keeping things gentle and simple is the key. Here’s how you can care for your baby naturally as we transition into this vibrant season.


Spring weather can be tricky. One day it’s warm and sunny, the next it’s chilly and windy. These shifts can leave your baby’s sensitive skin prone to dryness or irritation. To keep their skin soft and protected, opt for natural, nourishing products like calendula or coconut oil, which are gentle and moisturising. Make sure to apply a natural sunscreen on warmer days, especially if you’re enjoying some outdoor time. A zinc-based sunscreen is a safe, non-toxic choice for those precious little cheeks.


As temperatures rise, it’s important to keep your baby hydrated. For younger babies, breast milk will be enough, but older babies starting on solids can benefit from small sips of water throughout the day. Keeping hydration in check not only supports their skin’s health but also helps their growing bodies adjust to the warmer weather.


Springtime allergens, like pollen, can sometimes be a challenge for little ones. If you notice your baby sneezing or having watery eyes, consider using a saline nasal spray to gently cleanse their nasal passages. You can also try diffusing baby-safe essential oils like lavender or chamomile to soothe and calm the airways. Additionally, keeping windows closed during high pollen days and washing hands and faces after outdoor play can make a big difference. My top 3 oils for Spring are Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint.


Spring can be unpredictable, with mornings feeling chilly and afternoons warm. Dress your baby in light, breathable layers made from organic cotton or bamboo so you can easily adjust to the changing temperatures. This keeps them cozy without overheating.


Fresh spring air is wonderful for both you and your baby, but be mindful of sun exposure and wind. Take advantage of the milder days by getting outside—whether it’s a walk in the stroller or tummy time on a blanket in the garden. Just remember to bring a wide-brimmed hat and stay in the shade as much as possible to protect your baby’s skin. Direct sunlight is essential for conditions like nappy rash and can be quite healing, just be mindful in the middle of the day when the sun is at its peak.

By making these simple, natural adjustments, you can help ensure your baby’s skin stays soft, hydrated, and healthy all season long. After all, Spring is all about new beginnings, and it’s the perfect time to nurture your little one with gentle, natural care.

As mothers embracing a natural lifestyle, we’re always looking for simple, yet powerful ways to create a nurturing, healthy environment for our families. One of the easiest and most beautiful ways to do this? Indoor plants! Not only do they bring a touch of nature indoors, but they also offer amazing benefits for both air quality and mood.


Did you know that plants are natural air purifiers? They absorb toxins like formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide from the air, replacing them with fresh oxygen. Some of the best plants for air purification are spider plants, peace lilies, and snake plants. Imagine the difference a few well-placed plants can make in your living room or bedroom, especially if you’re expecting or have little ones around. It’s a breath of fresh air—literally!


Plants aren’t just good for the air; they’re great for our mental wellbeing too. Studies show that being around greenery can reduce stress, lower anxiety, and even improve your mood. For busy mums, especially those balancing natural fertility journeys, pregnancy, or the demands of motherhood, adding plants can create a calming atmosphere and bring a sense of peace. Fiddle leaf figs, lavender, and aloe vera are excellent choices for creating a serene space.


Indoor plants can also be wonderful additions to your children’s learning and play spaces. Not only do they brighten up a room, but they can spark curiosity about nature, helping your little ones learn more about the natural world. You can even start a fun gardening project with easy-to-care-for plants like succulents or herbs. What a great way to encourage natural learning at home!


Caring for indoor plants can be a gentle form of self-care too. Taking a few minutes each day to water, prune, and tend to your plants is a mindful, grounding activity that allows you to slow down and connect with nature, even in the middle of your busy routine.

Whether you’re looking to purify your air, lift your spirits, or create a more peaceful home environment, indoor plants are a simple and natural solution. They’re the perfect companions for any mama on a natural living journey—plus, they look gorgeous in every room!

So, grab a plant (or two!) and let them work their magic in your home.

As the days get longer and temperatures rise, your body naturally adjusts to the changing season. However, these changes can sometimes disrupt your sleep routine, making it harder to get the rest you need. Here are some tips to help you sleep well in spring and wake up feeling refreshed and energised.


Spring brings more daylight, which can be both a blessing and a challenge for your sleep routine. Make the most of natural light by spending time outdoors during the day. Exposure to sunlight helps regulate your circadian rhythm, signaling to your body when it’s time to be awake and when it’s time to sleep. In the evening, start dimming the lights in your home to prepare your body for bedtime.


Maintaining a regular sleep schedule is crucial, especially during seasonal transitions. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Consistency reinforces your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up naturally.


As temperatures rise, adjust your bedroom environment to stay cool and comfortable. Use lightweight, breathable bedding, and consider investing in a fan or air conditioning if needed. Keep your bedroom dark, quiet, and clutter-free to promote relaxation and better sleep.


With longer days and more activities, it’s easy to get caught up in screen time before bed. However, the blue light emitted by phones, tablets, and computers can interfere with your body’s production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. Try to avoid screens at least an hour before bedtime. Instead, opt for calming activities like reading, prayer, or taking a warm bath.


What you eat and drink can significantly impact your sleep quality. Avoid caffeine and heavy meals close to bedtime, as they can disrupt your sleep. Instead, opt for light, nutritious snacks if you’re hungry in the evening. Foods rich in tryptophan, magnesium, and melatonin, such as bananas, almonds, and cherries, can promote better sleep.


Spring is the perfect time to get outside and move your body. Regular physical activity can improve your sleep quality and help you fall asleep faster. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. However, try to finish vigorous workouts at least a few hours before bedtime to avoid overstimulation.


Incorporate relaxation techniques into your nightly routine to signal to your body that it’s time to wind down. Deep breathing exercises, gentle yoga stretches, or progressive muscle relaxation can reduce stress and prepare your body for restful sleep. Creating a calming pre-sleep ritual can also train your mind to relax and let go of the day’s worries.


Proper hydration is essential for overall health, but drinking too much water close to bedtime can lead to frequent nighttime trips to the bathroom. Aim to drink plenty of water throughout the day, and taper off your intake in the evening to ensure uninterrupted sleep.


Certain scents, like lavender, frankincense and orange, are known for their calming properties. Use essential oils and all natural pillow sprays to create a soothing atmosphere in your bedroom. Aromatherapy can help reduce stress and anxiety, promoting deeper and more restful sleep. Cedarwood helps to regulate melatonin production and helps to promote deep sleep.  My favourite combo is Lavender, Cedarwood, Frankincense and Orange.  Get your oils here!


Lastly, pay attention to your body’s signals and adjust your routine accordingly. If you’re feeling unusually tired or struggling with sleep, consider making small changes to your daily habits. Sometimes, even minor adjustments can make a significant difference in your sleep quality.

By adjusting your sleep routine to the changing season, you can enjoy the longer days and warmer weather while still getting the rest you need. Embrace these tips to sleep well in spring and wake up ready to make the most of this sweet season!

As the winter months settle in, we tend to spend more time indoors, making it crucial to ensure that our living spaces are as healthy and toxin-free as possible. Reducing toxins in your home not only enhances your well-being but also creates a safer environment for you and your family. Here are some practical tips to help you detox your home this winter.


Many conventional cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that can pollute indoor air and irritate your skin and respiratory system. Opt for natural, eco-friendly cleaning products or make your own using simple ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils.

Tip: Create a homemade all-purpose cleaner by mixing equal parts water and vinegar with a few drops of lemon essential oil.


Indoor air quality can decline during winter due to limited ventilation. Use air purifiers with HEPA filters to remove pollutants and allergens. Additionally, houseplants such as spider plants, peace lilies, and snake plants can naturally purify the air.

Tip: Open windows for a few minutes each day to let in fresh air, even if it’s cold outside.


Synthetic materials in carpets, rugs, and upholstery can off-gas harmful chemicals. Choose natural textiles like cotton, wool, and jute, which are less likely to emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Tip: Regularly vacuum and clean textiles to reduce dust and allergens.


Essential oils can provide natural fragrance and therapeutic benefits. Diffuse oils like eucalyptus, lavender, and peppermint to purify the air and create a calming atmosphere. Shop here for a discount!

Tip: Avoid synthetic air fresheners and candles, which can release toxins into the air.


Plastics can release harmful chemicals, especially when exposed to heat. Use glass, stainless steel, or ceramic containers for food storage and opt for wooden or metal kitchen utensils.

Tip: Avoid microwaving food in plastic containers to prevent chemical leaching.


Electronics can emit electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and other pollutants. Turn off and unplug devices when not in use, and keep electronic gadgets out of the bedroom to promote better sleep.

Tip: Use a Himalayan salt lamp to help neutralise EMFs and improve air quality.


Instead of using chemical pesticides, try natural pest control methods. Essential oils like peppermint and lavender can repel insects, while diatomaceous earth can effectively combat pests like ants, bedbugs and fleas.

Tip: Seal cracks and crevices to prevent pests from entering your home.


If you’re planning to repaint your home, opt for low-VOC or zero-VOC paints. These paints emit fewer harmful chemicals, making them a healthier choice for indoor spaces.

Tip: Ventilate the area well during and after painting to disperse any lingering fumes.

Detoxing your home during winter is a wonderful way to ensure a healthy, nurturing environment for you and your loved ones. By incorporating these simple, natural strategies, you can significantly reduce toxins and create a space that supports your overall well-being. Keep your home fresh, clean, and toxin-free, and enjoy the peace and comfort that comes with the snuggliness of Winter.

Want to learn more about how to use Essential Oils for health and harmony in your home?

Sign up for my FREE email course. You will learn so much!

Winter’s shorter days and longer nights can have a significant impact on our sleep patterns. As the seasons change, it’s essential to adjust our routines to ensure we get the rest we need. Let’s explore a few strategies for optimising sleep quality and quantity during the Winter months. From creating a relaxing bedtime routine to establishing a sleep-friendly environment and addressing common sleep issues, these tips will help you achieve restful, rejuvenating sleep all season long.


A consistent and calming bedtime routine signals to your body that it’s time to wind down and prepare for sleep. Incorporate these elements into your nightly ritual to promote relaxation:


Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends, helps regulate your body’s internal clock, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up naturally.


The blue light emitted by phones, tablets, and computers can interfere with the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. Aim to unplug from electronics at least an hour before bedtime. Instead, opt for calming activities like reading a book, journaling, or taking a warm bath.


Incorporate relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or gentle yoga into your bedtime routine. These practices can help calm your mind and prepare your body for a restful night’s sleep.


Enjoy a cup of caffeine-free herbal tea, such as chamomile, lavender, or valerian root, which are known for their calming and sleep-inducing properties.


Your sleep environment plays a crucial role in the quality of your sleep. Make your bedroom a sanctuary for rest with these tips:


A cool, dark room is conducive to sleep. Aim for a bedroom temperature between 15-19°C. Use blackout curtains to block out external light and consider using an eye mask if needed.


A supportive mattress and pillows tailored to your sleep style can make a significant difference in sleep quality. Take the time to find bedding that provides the right balance of comfort and support.


Reduce noise levels in your bedroom by using earplugs or a white noise machine. If outside noises are disruptive, consider using a fan or a white noise app to create a soothing soundscape.


Aromatherapy can enhance relaxation and improve sleep quality. Use a diffuser with essential oils like lavender, cedarwood, or bergamot to create a calming atmosphere. If you’re feeling blocked in the nose or need support with snoring.. try eucalyptus, thyme or one of my favourite blends, Valor. Rub on the chest, on the tips of the big toes or along the cervical spine.


Winter can bring about specific sleep challenges, such as increased fatigue, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), and disruptions in circadian rhythms. Here’s how to tackle these common issues:


Shorter days and reduced sunlight can lead to feelings of fatigue. Spend time outdoors during daylight hours to boost your exposure to natural light. Consider using a light therapy box in the morning to simulate sunlight and help regulate your body’s sleep-wake cycle.


Depending on where you live in the world, SAD can affect sleep patterns and mood during the Winter months. In addition to light therapy, maintain a regular exercise routine, eat a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and stay connected with friends and family to help manage symptoms.


Your body’s internal clock can be disrupted by changes in daylight during Winter. Help balance your circadian rhythm by sticking to a consistent sleep schedule, getting plenty of natural light during the day, and avoiding caffeine and heavy meals close to bedtime.


Dehydration can interfere with sleep quality. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, but reduce fluid intake in the evening to minimise nighttime awakenings.

How do you feel about these tips?

You probably already do most of them but were there any that surprised you?

Optimising your sleep during the Winter months involves a combination of creating a relaxing bedtime routine, establishing a sleep-friendly environment, and addressing common sleep issues. By incorporating these strategies, you can improve the quality and quantity of your sleep, ensuring you wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated all season long.

Got any specific sleep questions for me? I’d love to help!

Our homes are our sanctuaries, but they can also harbor hidden toxins that impact our health and well-being. From cleaning products to indoor air quality, many factors contribute to the overall healthiness of our living environments. Today we’ll explore practical and effective tips for detoxifying your home. By reducing exposure to toxins, using natural cleaning products, and improving indoor air quality, you can create a healthier, more harmonious space for you and your loved ones.


Traditional cleaning products often contain harsh chemicals that can irritate the skin, eyes, and respiratory system. Switching to natural, eco-friendly cleaning products is an easy and impactful way to reduce your home’s toxic load. Look for products labeled as non-toxic, biodegradable, and free from harmful chemicals like ammonia, bleach, and phthalates. You can also make your own cleaning solutions using simple ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils. I keep it simple in my home with the one and only Thieves Household Cleaner. It’s super versatile, highly concentrated and I love it’s spicy, warm, citrusy smell. Use my referral number here for a huge discount.


– 1 cup white vinegar

– 1 cup water

– 10-15 drops of essential oil (like lemon, lavender, or tea tree)

Mix the ingredients in a spray bottle and use it to clean countertops, sinks, and other surfaces.


Indoor air pollution can be caused by a variety of sources, including dust, pet dander, mold, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from paint, furniture, and household products. Improving indoor air quality is crucial for a healthier home environment. Here are my favourite tips..


Regularly open windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate and reduce indoor pollutants.


Certain houseplants, such as spider plants, peace lilies, and snake plants, can help purify the air by absorbing toxins. Check they’re ok for your pets!

Air Purifiers

Invest in a high-quality air purifier with a HEPA filter to capture airborne particles and allergens.

Regular Cleaning

Dust and vacuum your home frequently to reduce the buildup of allergens and pollutants.

house plants detox home


Many conventional furniture and decor items contain harmful chemicals like formaldehyde, flame retardants, and VOCs. When shopping for new pieces, opt for non-toxic, sustainably-made items. Look for furniture made from solid wood, natural fibers, and low-VOC finishes.


Plastics, especially those containing BPA and phthalates, can leach harmful chemicals into your home environment. Reduce plastic use by choosing glass, stainless steel, or bamboo alternatives for food storage, kitchen utensils, and children’s toys. Additionally, avoid heating food in plastic containers, as this can increase the release of toxins.


Chemical pesticides can introduce toxins into your home. Instead, use natural pest control methods to keep your home pest-free. Here are some of my favourite tips..

Essential Oils

Use essential oils like peppermint, eucalyptus, geranium and citronella to deter insects. You can order the same ones I do here. 24-50% discount.

Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth

Sprinkle this non-toxic powder around entry points to kill insects without harmful chemicals.

Borax and Sugar

Mix equal parts borax and sugar and place it in areas where you’ve seen ants to eliminate them naturally.


Tap water can contain contaminants such as chlorine, lead, and pesticides. Using a water filter can reduce these impurities and provide cleaner, safer drinking water for your household. Choose a filter that meets your needs, whether it’s a simple pitcher filter, a faucet-mounted filter, or a whole-house system.  We’ve been loving and using Southern Cross Filters for years. Make sure whichever filter you choose can also remove fluoride.


A cluttered home can contribute to stress and reduce the overall feeling of well-being. Regularly declutter and organise your living spaces to create a more peaceful and inviting environment. Donate or recycle items you no longer need, and consider adopting a minimalist approach to reduce the accumulation of unnecessary possessions.

Detoxifying your home is an ongoing process that involves making conscious choices about the products you use and the environment you create. By incorporating these tips, you can reduce exposure to harmful toxins, improve indoor air quality, and create a healthier, more harmonious living space. Let’s move towards a detoxified home, and enjoy the benefits of a cleaner, greener, and more vibrant environment for you and your family!

Happy Detoxing!

Electrolytes are minerals that are needed by the body to perform basic life function processes. Two of these functions in particular is to maintain electrical neutrality in the cells and to generate and conduct action potentials in the nerves and muscles.


When electrolyte levels in the blood become too high or too low, it can cause an imbalance, which in turn can lead to issues such as:

  • irregular heartbeat
  • muscle weakness or spasms
  • bone disorders
  • convulsions and/or seizures
  • confusion
  • numbness
  • excessive tiredness
  • nervous system disorders
  • change in blood pressure


  • poor diet and severe dehydration
  • prolonged vomiting or diarrhoea
  • loss of electrolytes and hydration after exercise
  • acidosis/alkalosis (imbalance of blood pH)
  • diuretics and other drugs
  • congestive heart failure
  • cancer treatment


Most electrolyte drinks that you will find on supermarket shelves (and even some from healthy places like sports nutrition stores) contain ingredients that are far from being beneficial to the body. High levels of sugar, sodium, food dyes, chemical sweeteners and other additives found in these drinks contribute to health problems. Many popular electrolyte drinks, when consumed regularly, have the potential to lead to diabetes, kidney damage, tooth enamel erosion and weight gain.

Clearly it’s best to avoid this ‘health’ drink and stick to a natural source of rehydration of electrolytes.


  • 1/2 cup of fresh orange juice
  • 1/4 cup of fresh lemon juice
  • 2 cups of raw coconut water
  • 2 tbl organic raw honey or organic maple syrup
  • 2 pinches of Himalayan salt


  1. Put all ingredients in a blender and blend well.
  2. Bottle in glass and refrigerate.
  3. Best served on ice.

For a nice change, substitute the orange juice for 1/4 cup of lime juice!

Have you used one of these before?

Linen sprays are designed to freshen up sheets and sometimes clothing between washes.

You might be thinking you don’t really need one because your fabric softener leaves a pretty smell on your clothes and bed linen, but I’m here to let you know that those aromas are doing more harm then good!

I talk a bit more about it over here on this post, but any ‘fragrance’ you come across these days is more likely to be a cocktail of hundreds of synthetic ingredients that are linked to all kinds of illness and disease.

Not too long ago, all fragrances came from pure extracts of plants, aka essential oils. For most big companies, it’s a lot cheaper to fabricate scent in a laboratory.

I don’t know about you, but I’m all about quality and not compromising my health.


Essential oils have become quite popular these days but they really aren’t a new thing.

Their use dates back to thousands of years ago where they were used not only to heal and nurture the body, but to anoint it in spiritual practice, embalm the deceased, protect from illness and disease and to simply fragrance the environment and home.

Because of their comeback, many companies have jumped on the ‘oily’ bandwagon purely for profit and so there are a lot of ‘essential oils’ out there that simply are not true, authentic extracts from the plant.

Then there is the issue of how they are farmed, distilled and tested..

but that’s another story for another day!

Essential oils, if pure and unadulterated can bring a lot of joy and healing to your life. Plus they are really handy for all your DIY creations.

Here’s a very simple linen spray that you can use to freshen up your towels and sheets.


  • 10 – 20 drops of essential oil
  • 70 mL distilled or filtered water
  • 30 mL vodka
  • 100 mL glass spray bottle


  1. Add essential oils to 100 mL glass spray bottle.
  2. Add water and vodka.
  3. Gently invert to mix.
  4. Lightly spray from a distance on sheets and other household linen.

Fragrances to try:

Bergamot, Lavender, Geranium (fresh floral and citrus scent)

Lavender, Cedarwood, Frankincense (great for sleep)

Orange, Patchouli, Ylang Ylang (sensual and intimate)


I have a free Essential Oils Course that goes through the basics of essential oils, how to use them safely, how to save money and everyday uses for your home, beauty, health and more!

I also have a discount code for you if you’d like to try the same superior quality essential oils that I use.

Living a low tox life means avoiding as many toxins as possible in our household and personal care products and one of the places we need to evaluate is our laundry.

I always say, you are the gatekeeper in your home. That means you get to choose what products you use and what products you feel comfortable allowing into your home.

Many products out there that are designed to whiten and brighten, contain ingredients that ‘trick the eye’ into thinking they look cleaner and some whiteners can cause developmental and reproductive effects.

Sadly, most products on the market contain synthetic and harmful ingredients that pose a risk to you and your family’s health and have no place in a healthy home.

I talk a little more about this over on this post.

So what can we do?

Well, you can spend some time looking for a company/brand that is committed to only using safe, beneficial ingredients or you can make your own.

I tend to do a mix of both.

There are some things that I love making myself and there are other things that I leave up to the experts and buy from my favourite online brand.

Here’s a super simple stain stick recipe that has worked for me.

It uses a combo of basic raw ingredients with things I always have at home.


  • 2 drops Thieves Dish Soap
  • 5 drops Lemon essential oil
  • Hydrogen Peroxide


  1. Add the dish soap and essential oil to a 10 – 15 mL glass roller bottle.
  2. Top up with hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Apply to stains before washing.


The hydrogen peroxide you can usually find at your local health food shop or discount chemist.

I order my essential oils from Young Living as they work well, are the best value and are free from contaminants and adulteration. (I’ve spent years researching and trying loads of brands)

The Thieves dish soap I get from Young Living too because again, no nasties or hidden ingredients.

Use my referral number as a discount code if you’d like to try these too!

Did you know that fabric softener is one of the most toxic household products you can have in your home?

Apart from crazy ingredients like methylisothiazolinone , a potent skin allergen and glutaral, known to trigger asthma and skin allergies, they also contain synthetic fragrances.

Synthetic fragrances have been linked to cancer, birth defects, central nervous system disorders and allergic reactions and they are in almost everything you can think of!


When you start to look around your house and read the labels of your favourite products, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer number of chemical nasties, but do not fear. I always encourage people to take one step at a time.

Choose one room, one cupboard or one product, and switch it out for a safe, all natural product instead. Just be on the look out for greenwashing!!

What is greenwashing? This post explains it.


The beauty of making your own products is that usually they are very cost effective PLUS you know exactly what is in there. No hidden nasties.


  • 1 tbl of your favourite organic/chemical free conditioner
  • 10 – 20 drops of essential oil of your choice
  • 1 cup of distilled vinegar
  • 1 cup of warm water


  1. Add all ingredients to a 500 mL glass jar or bottle and mix gently.
  2. Add a small amount to your wash as you normally would to soften clothes, towels and sheets.


Here’s where I shop for all my family’s favourite personal care and household cleaning products. I’ve read the labels and they are 100% safe, effective and the company aligns with my values.

They also deliver to my door!

Use my referral code (1706951) for a 24% discount and go here if you want to learn more about how essential oils can bring so much beauty and good health to your life.
