
mental health


Nothing beats a good soak in the tub with warm water and some essential oils.

Adding the Epsom salts not only acts as a carrier but it also provides the following health benefits:

  • improves sleep
  • reduces stress and anxiety
  • reduces pain and muscle soreness

Here are my favourite bath soak recipes for relaxation..

Choose one of the blends below and add to 1 cup of Epsom Salt.

Use 1/4 cup per bath.

3 drops Lavender, 3 drops Cedarwood, 2 drops Eucalyptus radiata

3 drops Bergamot, 3 drops Lavender, 2 drops Tangerine

3 drops Patchouli, 3 drops Orange, 2 drop Frankincense

3 drops Roman Chamomile, 3 drops Cedarwood, 2 drops Lavender

3 drops Sandalwood, 3 drops Lavender, 2 drops Lemon

3 drops Grapefruit, 3 drops Geranium, 2 drops Ylang Ylang


I have a free Essential Oils Course that goes through the basics of essential oils, how to use them safely, how to save money and everyday uses for your home, beauty, health and more!

I also have a discount code for you if you’d like to try the same superior quality essential oils that I use.

Have you ever been diligent with your water intake yet still feel a lack of hydration?  There might be other factors working against you.

One of those factors could be stress.

When you experience stress, your adrenal glands produce extra cortisol, the stress hormone, and under chronic stress, your adrenal glands can become exhausted, resulting in lower electrolyte levels.

Low electrolyte levels means your body is not efficiently maintaining and regulating the correct amount of fluid in the body which leads to dehydration.

Dehydration zaps your brain’s energy, impedes serotonin production, increases stress in the body and can even elevate the recurrence of anxiety and panic attacks. 

So you can see, it’s a vicious cycle of dehydration causing stress and stress causing dehydration.


Some studies have shown that frequent dehydration, even if it’s mild, may lead to permanent kidney damage. So the sooner we make hydration and support of the kidneys a priority, the better.

Here are some of the ways we can support them..

  1. Drink more water – aim for light yellow/colourless urine
  2. Keep active and fit
  3. Avoid processed meats and high sodium foods
  4. Avoid common non-prescription pills like ibuprofen and naproxen (NSAIDs)
  5. Reduce stress and maintain healthy blood pressure
  6. Increase intake of dark leafy greens, apples and berries
  7. Avoid alcohol and smoking
  8. Detox from heavy metals
  9. Eat probiotic rich foods and supplement
  10. Boost immune system 


Ashwagandha – helps regulate stress, improves sleep and energy.
Schisandra – tones the kidneys 
Rhodiola Rosea- supports healthy cortisol levels
Holy Basil – maintains equilibrium with the stress system in the body
Eleuthero – increases the ability to withstand stress


K + B Herbal Supplement – Supports healthy kidney and bladder function

Vytalyte Drops – ionic trace minerals and salts to improve electrolyte balance

Essential Oils – bergamot, black spruce, cardamom, cedarwood, clary sage, frankincense, geranium, ginger, lavender, peppermint, pine, rosemary and vetiver.  

Dilute your favourite combo and apply topically to the kidney/adrenal area.

For an all natural and healthy electrolyte drink that you can make from home and have on hand when you need some extra hydration.. check out this post:

Homemade and Healthy Electrolyte Drink

Ever been stuck in a funk that you just can’t seem to shift?

Try one of these 10 restorative and uplifting essential oils to rebalance and improve the mood and get you moving in the right direction.


Peppermint essential oil has a sharp, stimulating aroma that can feel like an energetic slap in the face. Breathe it in to increase vitality and motivation, especially if you are feeling disconnected with your surroundings and what you’re doing in this life. Peppermint helps us to refocus on who we are and what we want to achieve. It brings wisdom, alertness and spiritual awareness.


Basil essential oil has a warm, peppery, aniseed-like aroma that is stimulating to the mind and emotions. Breathe it in to encourage positivity and creativity and help you to tap in to your true desires and purpose. Basil is a great oil to use when you need to make big decisions as it ‘switches’ on the mind while cleansing any lingering thoughts away that no longer serve you.


Orange essential oil has a fruity, fresh aroma that imbues the essence of creativity and childhood. Breathe it in to uplift the mood and create a space of lightheartedness and regeneration of spirit. Orange encourages feelings of positivity, joy and magnificence, while allowing the body and mind to let go of past experiences that may be keeping you feeling stuck.


Bay laurel essential oil has a spicy, sweet, fresh fragrance that has traditionally been used as a symbol of victory. Breathe it in to encourage confidence and fortitude when planning and reaching for your goals. It’s also a useful oil for those times when the way ahead seems uncertain or when you need a little extra courage. Bay Laurel provides inspiration, protection and a sense of direction.


Ylang Ylang essential oil has an intensely sweet, floral aroma that increases self-esteem and confidence. Breathe it in to uplift the mood and to awaken a feeling of enthusiasm for life. Ylang ylang helps you to forgive yourself and others and has the ability to dissipate anger. It’s calming, yet joyful, playful energy reminds you of all the beauty and wonder in the world and that you equally are a part of it.


Melissa essential oil has a light, fresh and somewhat citrus aroma that brings understanding and a feeling of strength. It’s a useful oil when dealing with negative and repetitive emotions as it helps us to break through these limitations and rise above what we once thought we couldn’t. Melissa brings a sense of peace and protection as you take steps forward to improve your life.


Lemongrass essential oil has a grassy, lemony, citrus aroma that not only cleanses the physical body but also the spiritual. Use this oil to help clear negative experiences such as shame, regret and unforgiveness to encourage feelings of positivity, upliftment and progression. Lemongrass helps us to become clear with our thoughts and reminds us that all outcomes are based on the choices we make.


Cardamom essential oil has a spicy, green and sweet aroma that enlivens the spirit and increases feelings of abundance and prosperity. It can be used to clear the senses, stimulate creativity and help motivate you to reach for your heart’s desire. Cardamom helps us to connect to our higher purpose, especially during times of overwhelm and stress and can improve feelings of gratitude.


Cistus essential oil has a musky, sweet balsamic aroma that has traditionally been known to soothe the heart. It is a useful choice when feeling disconnected from your spirituality and life purpose. Cistus can be used to help shift from a place of fear, to a place of unconditional love and acceptance. Use it during times of loneliness, isolation and grief or when you just need some more harmony and balance in your life.


Frankincense essential oil has a warm, sweet and spicy, balsamic aroma that has been traditionally used in spiritual practice for thousands of years. Breathe it in to help you stay connected to spirit and help induce feelings of emotional stability and a sense of unity. Frankincense gives courage in hard times as it calms the emotions and helps you to feel grounded and secure. The ultimate comforter and protector.

So that’s my Top 10 essential oils to help you out of a funk.

Which one have you tried or which one would you like to add to your emotional home wellness kit?

Lavender is such an underrated essential oil, maybe because it’s so readily available!

Do you have some at home? Most people do.

Or maybe you have a grandma who used to grow it in her garden..


  1. Lavender works on serotonin receptors in the body to help balance the mood. It has been used to treat anxiety and depression and it helps to calm the nerves. Use it after a long day when you feel mentally and physically drained and any time you need to de-stress.
  2. Lavender helps regulate sleep patterns and prepares the body for a restful night’s sleep. Insomnia is a common issue today and studies have shown that the chemical structure of lavender may increase time spent in deep, slow-wave sleep. Sprinkle a few drops on your pillow or diffuse at bedtime.
  3. Lavender is soothing and balancing to the skin. Use it on itchy bites or any areas that are red or inflamed. Skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis may also benefit from lavender’s soothing nature. Use it to hydrate irritated and sensitive skin.
  4. Lavender naturally contains antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties and can be a useful ally during seasonal changes. Dilute and apply topically alongside the nose, sinus, throat and chest area and try a swipe along the inside of cheek. Be sure to always only use the absolute purest and unadulterated essential oils. Most on the market are not what they say they are!
  5. Lavender helps fight infections with its natural antiseptic and antifungal properties. Keep it on hand to treat minor cuts, scrapes, irritations and burns. Lavender essential oil is also great for when you’ve been a little too kissed by the sun. Combine with aloe vera or use on its own.
  6. Lavender promotes hair growth by protecting the hair follicles from oxidative stress. Add it to your all natural hair care routine to nourish the scalp, or try out this Mermaid Waves Hair Spray recipe!
  7. Lavender helps to relax the muscles, reducing discomfort in the body. Dilute and apply topically to any areas that need support. Apply to the temples and breathe in the aroma to help alleviate a tight headache. (Try peppermint if your headache is of the pounding variety).
  8. Lavender can even out skin tone and help reduce redness. It may also help to prevent scarring by promoting cell and tissue growth. Lavender helps to balance acne prone skin.
  9. Lavender helps promote collagen synthesis and stimulates fibroblasts, making it a good choice for wound healing. Quick application post-injury can also reduce bruising. Try making a cool compress.
  10. Lavender has antioxidant properties that protect the skin from environmental stressors like pollution and UV rays that accelerate the skin’s aging process. Use it in your favourite organic moisturiser or make a facial spritz and use any time of the day.
  11. Lavender supports respiratory and immune health. Use it alongside eucalyptus and frankincense (or on its own) during times of physical exhaustion or anytime you need to breathe deeply and easily.
  12. Lavender is a true adaptogen bringing peace and calm to you and your personal space. Breathe in straight from the bottle or diffuse in your favourite ultrasonic diffuser for lasting, healing benefits.


Lavender is such a readily available and abundant herb that you don’t have to look far to find the essential oil on the shelves. Unfortunately there is no governing body that ensures that what you purchase is actually what’s written on the label. Many manufacturers cut corners, adulterate and synthetically manipulate their “essential oils” to reduce costs but at the end of the day you are left with a product that has no therapeutic value and can even cause more harm then good!

If you have ever received a headache from smelling Lavender essential oil, it may very well be because it was synthetically put together or had a synthetic component added to it. It really pays to know where your oils come from and how the plants are farmed, harvested and distilled.


Here are some recipes for you to try that incorporate the soothing and healing benefits of this gentle oil.

Mermaid Waves Hair Spray

Lavender-Infused Dry Shampoo

Royal Hawaiian Face Serum


I have a free Essential Oils Course that goes through the basics of essential oils, how to use them safely, how to save money and everyday uses for your home, beauty, health and more!

I also have a discount code for you if you’d like to try the same superior quality essential oils that I use.


Rosemary has traditionally been used to break up congestion and ease breathing.


Rosmarinus officinalis


Rosemary essential oil has a strong, minty-herbaceous, woody-balsamic scent and blends well with Frankincense, Lavender, Citronella, Basil, Thyme, Pine, Peppermint, Elemi, Cedarwood, Petitgrain and spice oils.


The Memory Helper

Stimulant (nervous and mental), analgesic, tonic (to the nervous system), strengthening, restorative, purifying, protective, reviving, refreshing.


Rosemary essential oil helps to support the following body systems:

  • Respiratory (colds, asthma, bronchitis)
  • Lymphatic/Immune (fluid retention, infections)
  • Digestive (liver congestion, hepatitis, cirrhosis, gallstones, jaundice, constipation, flatulence)
  • Cardiovascular (low blood pressure, poor circulation)
  • Musculoskeletal (arthritis, gout, rheumatism)
  • Integumentary (oily skin, acne, puffiness, sagging skin, dandruff, scalp discorders, poor hair growth)
  • Reproductive (menstrual cramps, dysmenorrhea, leukorrhea)
  • Nervous (vertigo, headaches, speech impediment, memory loss, neuralgia)


Rosemary essential oil has been used to help with memory recall and to switch on the brain cells. Rosemary helps to allay feelings of confusion, indecision and nervous exhaustion.


Rosemary essential oil enhances feelings of self-empowerment and creative inspiration. Use it to bring more clarity of thought, emotional strength and warmth to your life.


Avoid with high blood pressure or epilepsy.



  • 1 tbl Jojoba oil
  • 1 tbl Calendula infusion oil
  • 1/2 tsp Carrot Seed oil
  • 10 drops Lavender essential oil
  • 6 drops Clary Sage essential oil
  • 4 drops Cedarwood essential oil
  • 4 drops Rosemary essential oil
  1. Add the jojoba, calendula and carrot seed oil to a small glass amber bottle.
  2. Add the essential oils and gently mix.
  3. Label your bottle.
  4. Warm the oil before application by placing the bottle in a bowl of warm water.
  5. Massage a few drops into the scalp area and leave in to be absorbed.
  6. Apply several times weekly.


  • 4 cups of hot water
  • 4 drops Hyssop essential oil
  • 3 drops Rosemary essential oil
  • 3 drops Peppermint essential oil
  • 3 drops Eucalyptus essential oil
  • 3 drops Lemon essential oil
  1. Add the essential oils to an amber glass dropper bottle.
  2. Pour the hot water into a ceramic or glass bowl and add 3-4 drops of prepared essential oil mix.
  3. Form a tent over your head with a towel and place your head approximately 20 cm from the water or whatever distance is comfortable for you.
  4. Inhale slowly and deeply while you breathe in the vapors for 10 minutes, keeping your eyes closed.
  5. Repeat 2-3 times per day or as necessary.


  • 2 drops Lavender
  • 2 drops Rosemary
  • 2 drops Kunzea

Add essential oils to your favourite ultrasonic diffuser and sit back and enjoy the therapeutic qualities of this beautiful blend. Use to bring the feeling and aroma of the Aussie bush into your home.


I have a free Essential Oils Course that goes through the basics of essential oils, how to use them safely, how to save money and everyday uses for your home, beauty, health and more!

I also have a discount code for you if you’d like to try the same superior quality essential oils that I use.


– synthesises and circulates neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) that regulate heartbeat, respiration and digestion.


– helps prevent degradation of nervous system and brain. Anti-ageing.


– calms the nerves and essential for learning and memory.  Protects against neurological diseases such as migraines, depression and epilepsy.


– nourish the myelin sheaths that surround the nerves. Help to heal the nerves and nervous system.


– improves brain power and cognitive skills.


– helps the brain control nerve signals.


– crucial for nerve signalling.

For healthy foods that contains these beneficial nutrients, head on over to this post:

Top 8 Foods for the Brain and Nervous System


– rich in Vitamin B complex, C, E and Magnesium.

FISH (especially salmon)

– rich in essential fatty acids.


– high in flavonols and contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.


– rich in choline and used by the brain to make acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter for memory and brain cell communication.


– rich in both Vitamin K and folate. They’re also high in protein and low in sugar. Avocadoes are said to prevent blood clot in the brain and stroke and they also improve memory and concentration!


– rich in Vitamin K and glucosinolates that slow down the breakdown of acetylcholine, which has been linked to Alzheimer’s.


– contain high levels of omega-3s and brain protecting Vitamin E.


– an excellent source of magnesium, copper, iron and zinc.

Which one on this list is your favourite?

Could you add each one to your weekly healthy eating plan?

Find out why these foods are so good for the brain and nervous system over on this post:

Essential Brain and Nervous System Nutrition

What does it mean to have a positive mindset? We all know there is power in positive thinking and many physical and emotional benefits to be had, like an elevation in mood and increased confidence.. But how do we actually achieve a positive mindset, especially when we are already feeling so low?


1. Morning Affirmations – starting the day saying something positive about yourself and/or to yourself, like “I am alive and ready for the day!” can help shift your mindset from negative to positive. If you are finding it hard to come up with something nice to say, or you’re just not feeling it, grab your favourite devotional book and steal something inspiring from there!


2. Take Every Thought Captive – this can take some awareness and acuity but when you nail it, amazing things can happen. Often the thoughts that bring us down or make us feel bad about ourselves are nothing but LIES. Recognising those thoughts for what they are and declaring (out loud I might add) that you do not believe those words or thoughts, and acknowledge that you are choosing to, right now, only believe that you are pure and wholesome and set apart.. this will help shift your perspective and belief in yourself, which ultimately changes your mindset.


3. Move Your Body – exercise not only affects our physical health but also our mental, emotional and spiritual health. Whether it’s walking the dog (and let’s be real.. a dog and his smile can give you a positive mindset), climbing a mountain, or stretching in Yoga.. moving your body can remind you that you are alive and that life is for living.. Your body is the vehicle that allows you to travel around in this life, taking care of it makes you naturally feel better about yourself and you can’t help but have a positive mindset when you feel good about yourself. Not to mention all the happy hormones that are released when you work out!


4. Get Out In Nature – (I like to do 3 and 4 together.) Again, being out in nature, exploring the Earth and all its awesomeness is another way to appreciate the life you have. Can’t travel too far? A simple walk outside may be all it takes. When you see, and feel, the beauty that has been created to not only nourish you, but restore you, this can boost a positive mindset like nothing else.


5. Develop Yourself – It is said that we are the culmination of the 5 people we most spend our time with. I spend most of my days, if not every day, with my 3 youngest daughters… They teach me SO much: How to be joyful, how to manage stress, how to forgive, how to handle objections… SO MUCH! But I also read and watch everything I can to become a better person. I learn from those who have the kind of success I want for my family. Not just financial success, but HAPPINESS success. There’s no secret formula, but we can learn so much about positive mindset from following those who express it!


6. Enjoy Your Friends and Family – This is a no brainer. If you have friends and family that lift you up, just by being in their company, those are the ones you want to hold on to. Make time to connect and play and love life together. Go camping, turn off the TV, visit a Spa, eat out, drink, be merry.. whatever it is that you love to do together, do it and do it often!


7. Find Your Passion – Living a passionate life means finding something creative that brings you joy. For some it is music, art, sewing.. a hobby or a sport. One of my favourite things to do is travel and explore the world, and when I haven’t done it for a while I tend to lose my sparkle. One of the quickest ways I have found to pull myself out of a negative mindset funk, is to be of service to someone else. Which just happens to be at the top of my passion list!! Taking the focus off myself and helping someone in need is HUGE! Also expressing gratitude for everything I have experienced thus far and everything I already have in my life…mind blown! GRATITUDE is perhaps the most significant component of creating a positive mindset.

What’s your number one tip on creating a positive mindset?
