
Natural Health



Spring time for many people can be overwhelming and frustrating.

It’s usually when pollen and other allergens are at an all time high, exacerbating asthma and hayfever conditions. I struggled with this for many years and still do some times when I haven’t been sleeping well.


My go to for this time of the year is to reach for my oils and apply topically to the throat, chest and feet. I also take a little extra Sulfurzyme, which is an organic form of sulfur (MSM). That helps to settle things down really quickly.


Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint essential oils smell amazing together. 4 drops each in a roller bottle, topped up with carrier oil and you are good to go. This blend has worked for me and countless others as well.

As soon as I feel any discomfort coming on or I know I’ve been exposed and haven’t been sleeping well, I roll it on the bottoms of the feet, chest and throat. You can also pop the oils in a diffuser instead if you prefer to stick to inhalation methods. Two drops each in a nasal inhaler may help as well.


Let me know if you try this blend and if it gives you some relief.

I have a free Essential Oils Course if you are brand new and a discount code for superior essential oils here.

Be sure to get in touch with me if you decide to use my referral code 1706951. That way I can send you out a lovely thankyou gift and connect you to our team’s educational resources.

Ever since the 1980’s Australians have been raised to Slip Slop and Slap. And for good reason. They don’t call us the Sunburnt Country for nothing!!


The problem is, most sunscreens out on the market today do more harm than good.

Not only are they destroying coral and polluting the ocean and waterways, they are also significantly causing health problems in the human body too!


Have you looked at the ingredients in your sunscreen?

Many are carcinogenic, meaning they cause Cancer. My family have been using natural sunscreens for many years now, and often we don’t use one at all. The sun’s not bad, we just need to be sensible with exposure.


Obviously, EVERY BODY and family is different so keep taking care of your family the best you can and research the ingredients in your current sunscreen.

If there are any nasties in there, ditch it and switch it out for an all natural one. All natural, mineral based sunscreens can be very effective and often have BENEFICIAL ingredients that help to nourish your body and skin.

Staying Safe in the Sun is a Priority, Don’t You Think?


We are a family who loves the outdoors, especially the beach. We live on the beautiful Gold Coast and spend a lot of time in and out of the water, enjoying the warm weather and bright, sunny days.

On top of choosing sensible times to venture out in the sun, and covering up with hats and swim shirts, we also use an all natural sunscreen from Young Living.


Young Living Mineral Sunscreen Lotion is a mineral-based, non-toxic sunscreen that has SPF 50+, including water and sweat resistant protection for 80 minutes.

Not only does it protect against both UVA and UVB rays, (most only protect against UVB to prevent superficial sunburn) it does this without using nanoparticles. Nanoparticles are so small, they can penetrate cells and cross the blood-brain barrier. The risks are still unknown however, once in the brain they pose two major threats.

  1. induce oxidative activity (production of Reactive Oxygen Species), and
  2. induce anomalous protein aggregation behaviour (fibrillation).

There needs to be more research done, especially in conjunction with known fibrillation diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson disease, and most agree that it is best to avoid nanoparticles until we know all the associated risks.


Young Living chooses to only ever produce products that are KNOWN to be safe, and this beautiful sunscreen is one of their many non-toxic and chemical-free products that you can be certain will do no harm to you or your family.


Ok, so there are two ways to purchase this beautiful, safe product so you can have fun in the sun without receiving irreparable damage to the skin.

1. Grab it at wholesale like I do. This is by far the best option. This is how I buy all my favourite Young Living products at a discount. Simply choose a Starter Bundle and add the sunscreen OR complete a Customised Enrolment Order.

You can learn more by going here. Use referral # 1706951 so you get the discount! And be sure to message me so I can help you maximise the freebies and bonus products with your order and get to know you a little more.


2. A standard retail purchase. Retail products are 24% more than wholesale membership pricing. You’ll still get exclusive access to our online community with daily tips, recipes, DIYs and ongoing support, so still sing out if you choose this option!  

Again, be sure to use the member referral # 1706951 when ordering, so Young Living link you in with me and I can personally support you and add you to our health and wellness community group.

If you have any questions, please get in touch via the Contact Page. I’d love to hear from you!

You know I love to share how this juice is helping people right!? Well this story really hit home for me because I remember what it felt like to be in that space. Tired, no energy, feeling like you can’t keep up.. The difference is, back then, I didn’t have access to this incredible drink. I was 5 kids in before I was introduced to it!

I have a small child who is very active and I was really struggling to keep up with him. After one week I started waking up feeling like I had energy to get through the day and now we don’t seem to catch every little thing anymore. So happy I’ve found this product.

A Mumma With Low Energy

When Sam first reached out, she was desperate. Her energy levels were super low and life just didn’t feel good anymore. She was struggling to get things done during the day and the constant demands of her little one left her feeling exhausted. Her relationship with her husband suffered because all she could think about was how everything was piling up around her and that made her feel resentful towards her husband, even though she knew he was doing all he could to help.

Sam had seen me talking in our Better Health Group about this all natural juice and how much it gave me the energy to get through my day and thought “What have I got to lose!!” And I tell you what, she has never looked back!

Immediately she noticed something different. In fact, the very first day she messaged me in tears saying she felt like this was an answered prayer. I wholeheartedly believe that too.

The Result

7 days in and she was waking up without the usual brain fog and noticed that she didn’t need to reach for that afternoon sweet snack or cup of coffee like she used to. Her mood had improved, she was feeling more connected to her hubby and overall life was great.

Oh and let’s not forget!.. she’s now experienced firsthand how the immune boosting qualities of this incredible product have improved her family’s health. But that’s a WHOLE other story for a whole other day.

Sam says that she is super excited to continue on with her superfood juice and is even now looking into the benefits of our 21 Day Wellness program to lose weight, get fit and detox from all the gunk that is so prevalent in today’s modern world.

If you’re sitting there thinking, “OMG that is me too!”, then comment below, email me, FB stalk me.. whatever you have to do to get my attention. I promise you, THIS is what you have been waiting for.
